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Pain Reframed

Aug 31, 2017

This week, on Pain Reframed, Dr. David Hanscom joins Dr. Tim Flynn and Dr. Jeff Moore!  David is an orthopedic surgeon and has an incredible story on how he found success with his own experience of pain.  As a result, David has some amazing and effective strategies that he developed and uses with his patients.  David is...

Aug 24, 2017

Welcome back to Pain Reframed!  This week, Dr. Cheryl Keller Capone returns to discuss her success strategies in dealing with chronic pain!  She’ll be sharing some very important mindset strategies that has helped her since we last hear from her!

Cheryl joined Tim and Jeff on episode 14 and had significant challenges...

Aug 17, 2017

Welcome back to Pain Reframed!  Today, we are joined by Dr. Melissa Cady, author of “PAINDEMIC: A Practical and Holistic Look at Chronic Pain, the Medical System, and the antiPAIN Lifestyle,” and founder of Pain Out Loud, a website dedicated to optimal health, wellness, and the antiPAIN lifestyle.

Melissa, Jeff, and...

Aug 10, 2017

Welcome back to Pain Reframed!  Today, we have our third Reframed Recap, live from O’Dell’s Brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado!  Dr. Tim Flynn and Dr. Jeff Moore look back at previous episodes and interviews to dig deeper and add more commentary and insights learned from these interviews and discussions!

This week,...

Aug 3, 2017

Jeff and Tim are out enjoying a little bit of summer, so there’s no episode this week.  Just ain’t no cure for the summertime blues…

Jeff and Tim will return next week with a Reframed Recap, broadcasting live from O’Dell’s Brewery in Fort Collins, CO.  It’s going to be an amazing episode, chock full of...