Mar 22, 2018
Certain regions of our country have a particularly challenging time dealing with the opioid crisis. These regions, not only have the challenge of seeing improvements with the crisis, but are also still seeing a rise in opioid use. Dr. Todd Davenport focuses on population health and social determinants of health.
Mar 15, 2018
We’ve got something new and special for you this week on Pain Reframed! Welcome to the Pain Reframed PSA! In these episodes, we will be taking an important recent finding/article/etc. and talking directly to the public rather than trying to speak only to clinicians. Then we’ll ask you to share this important topic...
Mar 8, 2018
Dr. Ron Andrews joins us on Pain Reframed this week! Ron is with the University of New Mexico, which is the only physical therapy school in the state paired with the only medical school in the state. Ron brings a wealth of knowledge and experience working interdisciplinary at the school as well as with UNM’s Project...
Mar 1, 2018
Dr. Elliot Feldman joins Pain Reframed this week! Elliot is standing up and taking the initiative, getting inside of the system, and making significant positive change with the treatment of patients. Elliot will share some incredible actions that he’s taken to change the conversation in the system’s delivery on how...